
Baby, we will give everything best to you in the world. FineProtein inherit the blessing from the God, the extension of love from parents to their children, together with patented peptide based on research evidence, to protect children and give them a healthy life. Rarely can regular diary processing maintain the peptide bioactivity. It is only through the special technology to keep this precious ingredient.


Regular supplement: 1 bag per day

・Health improvement: 2 bags per day

・Body condition enhancement: 3 bags per day

庫存狀況 現貨

FineProtein inherit the blessing from the God, the extension of love from parents to their children, together with patented peptide based on research evidence, to protect children and give them a healthy life


  • Name|FineProtein Premium Peptide

  • Capsule weight|1g per bag, 30 bag per box

  • Ingredient|Soluble fiber, whey protein with patented TGF-β2

  • Direction|1-3 bags a day before bed time, and better consume with empty stomach 2 hours before consumption and after consumption stay empty stomach for 1 hour, or as directed by healthcare professional

  • Warning|Our products contain whey protein. Our products do not contain lactose formula. If you have any concerns please contact us or please consult your doctor before use. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature. Away from heat, light and moisture.


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